Hydrosuler - an innovative product
Natural effective fertilizer + fungicide.

Easy preparation of stable solutions and hydrosols.

Does not clog sprayer nozzles.

Minimum consumption with maximum efficiency.

Special offers for enterprises in the agro-industrial sector.
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| Hydrosulfur it
"HydroSulfur" is calcium polysulfide (95%) in a concentrated solution. Serves as a foliar fertilizer, a plant growth regulator, while exhibiting fungicidal and acaricidal properties, thereby increasing plant resistance to diseases and pests.

As a result of the use of the drug, the protein content in plants significantly increases due to the binding of non-protein nitrogen by sulfur. It is also an integral part of fatty acids; the use of “HydroSulfur” on oilseeds allows one to obtain an increased oil yield.
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| Proven effectiveness
According to scientific and practical experiments conducted with the drug "HydroSera", in addition to pronounced fungicidal and acaricidal properties, the drug increases crop yields.*
  • "All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking "MAGARACH" RAS"
  • "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Vegetable Growing - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FNTSO"
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Agrochemical Service "Bashkir".
  • Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agrochemistry named after D.N. Pryanishnikov.
*Data provided by:
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Rape + 14%
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Sunflower + 11%
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Linen + 14,5%
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Potato + 13%
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Spring barley + 12%
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Cabbage + 15%
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Grape + 23,2%
It is used in the form of a 0.5-1% solution during the growing season of plants, with the exception of the time of flowering of the plant. In early spring (before leaves appear) and autumn (after leaf fall) it is used for eradicating antifungal spraying of fruit trees and vineyards in the form of a 5% solution.

For grains, legumes and oilseeds, it is used as a seed protectant to accelerate plant growth at an early stage of development and suppress the development of pathogenic fungi. Consumption: 10 liters of 10% preparation per 1 ton of seeds.
| Application
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(apple tree, pear tree, cherry, plum, etc.) Treatment during the growing season in the form of foliar feeding, protects against fungal diseases and herbivorous mites, optimizes plant nutrition in various phases of development.
Fruits and berries
(wheat, oats, barley, corn, etc.), legumes (peas, beans, lentils). Processing during the grain filling period leads to an increase in protein content, as well as an increase in wheat yield by 15-20%, peas by 25-35%.
(tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, all types of cabbage, etc.). Treatment is carried out during the period of active growth, the drug protects against fungal diseases and herbivorous mites, optimizes plant nutrition in various phases of development.
(rapeseed, soybeans, flax, etc.). Treatment during the filling period of seed ripening leads to an increase in oil content
| Possibility of use in organic farming
According to the resolution adopted in 1991 by the Council of Ministers of the European Community 2041/91/EWG “On organic farming and labeling of agricultural products and food”, which sets out the minimum requirements for cultivation technologies, mechanisms for financial incentives and control over their compliance with these requirements and is valid in all In EU countries, since 01/01/1993, preparations based on calcium polysulfide have been approved for use in organic farming as a fungicide, insecticide, acaricide, and as an environmentally friendly preparation. Also, such drugs are approved by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).
| Advantages
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Stimulates plant growth and protects against fungal diseases
on all types of plants in the form
0.5-2% solution during the growing season of plants, with the exception of the time of flowering of the plant.
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Environmentally friendly product
promotes the absorption of traditional fertilizers,
optimizing plant nutrition in various phases of development
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Seed protectant to accelerate plant growth
at an early stage of development, promotes
increase in yield 8-10%, applied in the following way (1 liter + 10 liters of water per 1 ton of seeds)
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Reduces the nitrate content in plant fruits.
Method of application - seed treatment, spraying plant leaves and soil under plants
| Microscopy
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Plant cells under a microscope:
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(Light spots are sulfur nanoparticles located in the recesses between plant cells)
Our preparation is a source of sulfur nanoparticles of 20 nm, which, when they fall on the surface of the plant, are evenly distributed on it, the small size of the particles allows them to penetrate into the smallest pores and become fixed in them (see figure), as needed, the nanoparticles are absorbed by the plant, in the meantime, the use of mineral fertilizers based on sulfur, such as ammonium sulfate, consists of applying both to the soil and to plants using foliar treatment, since the fertilizer is water soluble. When dry, ammonium sulfate crystals may fall off the plant or be washed off the surface during rain; in such cases, the use of ammonium sulfate is not always effective.
| Consumption table
Foliar feeding
Consumption rate of working solution for foliar feeding:
Regarding the sulfur content in the solution
Additional Information:
(1.0 l +10 l water)/t when treating grain,
0.5 l/ha in the phase of exit into the tube,
0.5 l/ha in the stage of milky ripeness
0.5 l/ha during the branching phase,
0.5 l/ha in the phase of inflorescence formation,
0.5 l/ha during the fruiting phase
в фазу бутонизации, 0,5-1,0 л/га
1.0-1.5 l/ha before flowering, 2-3 treatments with an interval of 10-15 days
For aerial treatment 50 l/ha, ground treatment 100-300 l/ha. Foliar treatments should be carried out in dry, windy weather, in a temperature range from +10 to +25°C in the evening or morning hours.

It is recommended to adjust the amount of fertilizing, the optimal timing of application, the frequency of application and the rate of fertilizer consumption in each specific case depending on the type of crop, the technology of its cultivation, the planned harvest, analysis of leaf diagnostics and agrochemical parameters of the soil.
1.0 l/ha three in the budding phase
0.5 l/ha during the period of head formation
during the budding phase, 0.5-1.0 l/ha
0.5-1.0 l/ha in the shoot development phase (10-15 cm),
0.5-1.0 l/ha during the leaf development phase,
0.5-1.0 l/ha in the budding phase - beginning of flowering,
0.5-1.0 l/ha during the flowering phase
0.5-2.0 l/ha before flowering, 2-3 treatments with an interval of 10-15 days
1.25 g/cm3
pH (1% aqueous solution)
1 liter of solution weighs 1.25 kg; solution density 1.25 g/cm3
1 kg of the drug contains 176 g of sulfur
1 kg contains SO2 units - 352 g
1 kg contains SO3 units - 440 g
1 kg contains SO4 units - 528 g
Grapes, stone fruits
1.0 l/ha at the beginning of budding,
1.0 l/ha 7 days after ovary formation
pH (concentrate)
2.0-3.0 l/ha three treatments: before and after flowering,
after ovulation
Apple trees, pears
0.5-1.0 l/ha three treatments: before and after flowering,
after ovulation
2.0-3.0 l/ha three treatments: before and after flowering,
after ovulation
| Release form
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Volume: 1 l.
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Volume: 10 l.
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Volume: 200 l.
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Volume: 1000 l.
| Conatcs
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TK "Seraprom" LLC © 2024
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Our office:
г. Уфа, ул. Пархоменко, 156/3 - офис 1012
+7930333-60-61 - sales department
real@seraprom.ru - sales department
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